So, Apperently, I don't snap my fingers the way the rest of the world does. Yep, just discovering it now. I apperently press my thumb up to my little finger, which is pressed up against basicly all the other fingers placed behind each other instead just using the middle finger. No one related to me does this, just me, so I have no idea how I came up with this "method" I have to assume that I must have just taught myself how to snap my fingers, as that seems the only explanation.

I first discovered this when I was watching a youtube video and saw someone snap. The person on the video was from Europe, so I first assumed that the other way must have just been a cultural difference. I then tried searching up videos on how to snap fingers, as I was trying to figure out if anyone else did it the way I did. That was when I realised that I was apperently the only one that does it this way. I then decided to actually re-learn how to snap my fingers, but this time in the normal way.

All that to get to where I am now, where I know how to snap both the normal way, and a weird way. If anyone else is reading this, and also accidently learned it this way, please send an email, because I have not found anyone else that does it like I do

I just found one other reddior that does it! This person